Thursday, November 10, 2011


I've finally found (at least for now) two tobaccos that I seem to "go to" almost daily.  Well, sort of.  I've been working through some Peterson Irish Flake (not a mild smoke in the least) and have recently discovered the joys of Erinmore Flake (thanks to Dr. F.F. O'Reilly and Patrick Taylor).  I reach for the Erinmore two or three to one on the Irish Flake.  I've only been supplementing with a couple of the Peretti offerings I have (Oxford Flake and D-7485).  I've continued to work on some of my pipes (especially my Petersons) and by opening the draught holes and a little stem work I've never had such enjoyable smokes.  I've also found that sanding the bowl interior down to bare wood makes a tremendous difference.  But back to choices...I've found that I really enjoy these two tobaccos...and by smoking them with such frequency you get to know them...both have flavor galore, IF can muster enough kick to knock you flat, EF could easily become an "all-day, everyday" thing for me, both will bite and burn if you puff too hard or fast.  I've been making some choices trying to pare down some things and tobaccos has been one of those.  There is some comfort and contentment in simplicity.