Ordinarily, I tend to eschew conversations such as this one. I fall into the camp of "Smoke what you like, like what you smoke". However, I recently read an older post of Neill Archer Roan's A Passion for Pipes here discussing tobacco chamber geometry and flavor and I began to think (frequently a dangerous proposition). Neill eloquently put forward a very well thought out and researched discussion of the hows and whys regarding larger pipes for "bigger" tobaccos - in the sense of flavor interplay and nuance. I'm not going to argue the topic with him as I've done no research, but through personal experience I can, for the most part, agree with him. It did make me wonder if the inverse is equally true? For less complex (an ill-fitting description at best as the chemistry of the combustion of tobacco and the mechanisms of the perceptions of taste are anything but simple) tobaccos, are smaller bowls with narrower chambers a better choice? I said following procedure for a reason. The scientific method, something often ignored in research today, goes a little like this:
1. Define a question
2. Observe
3. Form a hypothesis
4. Experiment
5. Analyze results
6. Interpret data & draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis
7. Publish (a pro-tobacco discussion??? I'm crazy, not delusional)
8. Retest (usually done by others) - my thanks to Wikipedia for the steps (I have summarized them)
I've got my question and I have inadvertently begun to observe and experiment, sans hypothesis. I had been enjoying Carter Hall tobacco in a Dr. Grabow Duke billiard/dublin and had noticed that the flavor was mild, but quite nice as noted in my spot review below. I tried the same tobacco in a larger bowl this morning - an Algerian briar bulldog (group 3/4) and while there was still flavor, I found it to be greatly muted. I have also tried Sail Green in a smaller pipe (another Dr. Grabow, of group 2/3 size) and found it again to be mild, but the interplay of the Oriental, Latakia (there appear to be very small pieces in my pouch...dark brown/black specks in the golden leaf), and Cavendish was quite nice...I will need to test the tobacco in a larger bowl to successfully begin to form a hypothesis.
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